Wetenschappelijke tijdschriften (Peer reviewed)
Lettinga, D. & Kaulingfreks, F. (2015), ‘Clashing activisms. International human rights organisations and unruly politics’, Journal of Human Rights Practice7(3), pp. 343-365.
Lettinga, D. & Saharso, S. (2014), ‘Outsiders within: framing and regulation of headscarves in France, Germany and the Netherlands’, Social Inclusion 2(3), pp. 29-39. Special issue “Policing Ethnicity: Between the Rhetoric of Inclusion and the Practices and Policies of Exclusion”, edited by A. Peterson & Malin Åkerström.
Roggeband, C. & Lettinga, D. (2014), ‘In defence of gender equality? Comparing the political debates about headscarves and honour related crimes in France and the Netherlands’, Social Politics. International Study in Gender, State and Society (forthcoming)
Bonjour, S. & Lettinga, D. (2012), ‘Political debates on Islamic headscarves and civic integration abroad in France and in the Netherlands: What can models explain?’ Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 10(3), pp. 260-278 . Special issue ‘The heuristic value of integration models for international comparisons’, edited by C. Finotelli & I.Michalowski.
Lettinga, D. & Saharso, S. (2012), ‘The political debates on the veil in France and the Netherlands: reflecting national integration models?’ Comparative European Politics 10(3), pp. 319-336. Special issue ‘The Problems with National Models of Integration: A Franco-Dutch Comparison’, edited by C. Bertossi, J.W. Duyvendak & M. Schain.
Lettinga, D. (2011), ‘Framing the hijab. The governance of intersecting religious, ethnic and gender differences in France, the Netherlands and Germany’, PhD thesis defended at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Vu University Amsterdam at 4 July 2011.
Saharso, S & Lettinga, D. (2009), ‘Contentious citizenship: policies and debates on the veil in the Netherlands’, Social Politics. International Study in Gender, State and Society 15 (4), pp. 455-480. Special issue ‘The Veil: Debating Citizenship, Gender and Religious Diversity’, edited by S. Kilic, S. Saharso & B. Sauer.
Lettinga, D. & Saharso, S. (2009), ‘Débats sur le ‘voile Musulman’ en France et aux Pays Bas’, Migrations Société 21(122), pp. 237-276. Special issue ‘Beyond models of integration: France, the Netherlands and the Crisis of National Models’, edited by C. Bertossi & J.W. Duyvendak
Lettinga, D. (2010). ‘Gluren bij de Buren. Het politieke debat en beleid over de hoofddoek in Duitsland’, Migrantenstudies, Tijdschrift voor Migratie en Etnische Studies 26(2), 142-160.
Lettinga, D. (2007), ‘Strijders van eigen bodem. Radicale en democratische moslims in Nederland. Boekrecensie’, Migrantenstudies, Tijdschrift voor Migratie en Etnische Studies 23(1), pp. 63-67.
Lettinga, D. (2007), ‘Reacties op het nieuws: Marokkanendrama’, Migrantenstudies, Tijdschrift voor Migratie en Etnische Studies (23)3, pp. 225-230.
Boekhoofdstukken en essaybundels
Lettinga, D. (2018), ‘International human rights advocacy and “new” civic activism: Divergences, Contestations and Complementarity’, in: P. Evans & C. Rodriguez-Garavito, Transnational Advocacy Networks: Reflecting on 20 years of Evolving Theory and Practice (Bogota: Dejustitia).
Lettinga, D. & Van Troost, L. (eds) (2017), Shifting Power and Human Rights Diplomacy: Russia (Amsterdam: Amnesty International Netherlands).
Glasius, M. & Lettinga, D. (2016), ‘Global Civil Society and Human Rights’, in: Goodhart, M. (ed), Human Rights. Politics and Practice (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Lettinga, D. & Van Troost, L. (2016), Shifting Power and Human Rights Diplomacy: South Africa (Amsterdam: Amnesty International Netherlands).
Lettinga, D. & Van Troost, L. (2015), ‘Justice over rights?’, in: Lettinga, D. & L. Van Troost (eds) Can human rights bring social justice?(Amsterdam: Amnesty International Netherlands).
Lettinga, D. & Van Troost, L. (red.) (2015), Can human rights bring social justice? (Amsterdam: Amnesty International Netherlands).
Lettinga, D. & Van Troost, L. (red.) (2015), Shifting Power and Human Rights Diplomacy: India (Amsterdam: Amnesty International Netherlands).
Lettinga, D. & van Troost, L. (red.) (2014), Debating the Endtimes of Human Rights (Amsterdam: Amnesty International Netherlands).
Lindert, T. van & D. Lettinga (red.) (2014), The Future of Human Rights in an urban World. Exploring opportunities, challenges and threats (Amsterdam: Amnesty International).
Andreassen, R. & Lettinga, D. (2011), ‘Veiled debates: gender and gender equality in European national narratives’, in: S. Rosenberger & B. Sauer, Politics, Religion and Gender. Regulating the Muslim headscarf (New York: Routledge), pp. 17-36.
Lettinga, D. (2009), ‘Rethinking National Constellations of Citizenship. Situating the headscarf debate in the Netherlands’, in: S. Alghashi, T. Hylland Eriksen & H. Ghorashi, Paradoxes of Cultural Recognition (Surrey: Ashgate), pp. 243-264.
Lettinga, D., Merens, A. & Bekers, B. (2009). ‘Komedie of drama? Emancipatie onder regie van de meerderheid’, in: J. van der Zwaard, J. Janssen, S. Keuzenkamp & F. Outmany, Dwarse vrouwen. Verbindingen en verbeeldingskracht (Amsterdam: Aksant), pp. 41-48.
Lettinga, D. & S. Saharso (2008), ‘The Islamic headscarf as a political tool in the battle over multiculturalism: an argument for a contextual analysis of moral conflicts’, in: N.R. Khadpekar (ed.), Understanding Multiculturalism (Hyderabad: ICFAI University Press), pp. 147-174.
Amnesty International and Open Society Justice Initiative (2017), Inhuman and unnecessary: human rights violations in Dutch high-security prisons in the context of counterterrorism.
Amnesty International (2017), Paspoortmaatregel en uitreisverbod. Mensenrechten in de strijd tegen terrorisme.
Lettinga, D., Keulemans, S.A.C. & M. Smit (2013), Verblijfsregelingen voor slachtoffers van mensenhandel en oneigenlijk gebruik. Een verkennende studie in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Italië en België (WODC: Cahier 2013-3)
Lettinga, D. & Braakman, M. (2013), A social fieldworkstudy on redress mechanisms in the area of dataprotection. Country report The Netherlands. Report commissioned by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. ForFRA handbook(2013) Access to data protection remedies in EU member states.
Human Rights Watch (2012), The Law was against me’. Migrant women’s access to Protection for Family Violence in Belgium.
Eijkman, Q., Lettinga D. & G. Verbossen (2012), Impact of counter-terrorism on communities: Netherlands background report (Open Society Foundations/ Institute for Strategic Dialogue).
Lettinga, D. (2006), VEIL: Values, Equality and Differences in Liberal Democracies. Debates about Female Muslim Headscarves in Europe. The Netherlands country report.
Interviews, opinies, essays
Lettinga, D. (2018), ‘De sociaal-liberale wereld van: Sophie in ‘t Veld, Idee (november)
Lettinga, D. (2016), ‘De sociaal-liberale wereld van: Sjoerd Sjoerdsma‘, Idee (november)
Lettinga, D. (2016), De sociaal liberale wereld van: Victor Everhardt‘,Idee1 (april).
Lettinga, D. & Van Troost, L. (2015), ‘Justice over rights?’, openGlobalRights, 6 October.
Lettinga, D. (2015), ‘How revolutionary are global human rights?’, openGlobalRights, 13 May.
Lettinga, D. & Van Troost, L. (2015), ‘Een nieuwe orde, een oudgeluid?’,Internationale spectator : tijdschrift voor internationale politiek69(8).
Lettinga, D. (2014), ‘Is the emerging middle class our best hope for global rights activism’, openGlobalRights 28 October.
Lettinga, D. & Van Lindert, T. (2014), ‘De EU als mensenrechtenprotagonist in de wereld van morgen’, Internationale spectator : tijdschrift voor internationale politiek 68(2), pp. 42-45.
Lettinga, D. & Lindert, T. van (2014), ‘ The EU’s Human Rights Promotion in a Changing World Order’, Next Generation for Europe Magazine, first edition, edited by Joop Hazenberg, pp. 34-40.
Saharso, S. & Lettinga, D. (2012), ‘Headscarf Debates as a Prism for Conceptions of National Identity’, Runnymede Perspectives. Special issue ‘Secularism, Racism, and the Politics of Belonging’, edited by Nira Yuval-Davis & Philip Marfleet, pp. 42-45.
Interviews en opiniestukken over proefschrift, o.a. op Omrop Fryslan radio (18 juli 2011) en De Wereldomroep (2011) en in nationale en regionale kranten, waaronder:
- Nicolasen, L. (2011), ‘Sluierverbod is paternalistisch’, interview met Doutje Lettinga,Volkskrant,4 juli.
- Joustra, W. (2011), ‘Altijd strijd om identiteit. Friese sociologe: sluierverbod is bevoogdend’, Leeuwarder Courant, 30 juli.
- Lettinga, D. (2011), ‘Kabinet miskent met nieuwe integratienota historische waarden’, opinie, Reformatorisch Dagblad, 19 juli.
- Lettinga, D. (2011), ‘Debat hoofddoek gaat niet over de vrouwen zelf’, opinie, Nederlands Dagblad,8 juli.
- Lettinga, D. (2011), ‘Verbod op gezichtssluier is breuk met traditie’, opinie, Friesch Dagblad,6 juli.
Lettinga, D. & Coene, G. (2009), ‘In de ban van de sluier’, Alert. Voor Sociaal werk en Politiek 35(1), Maart 2009, pp. 68-77.
Lettinga, D (2007), ‘Vrouwen varen wel bij nieuwe verhoudingen in Turkije’, De Humanist. Tijdschrift voor Humanistiek 3.
Lettinga D. & E. Duran (2006), ‘Backpacken in chador’, Volkskrant (8 september).
Lettinga, D. (2005), ‘Turkish accession to the EU, the ECHR and the Headscarf Debate’, Zem Zem, Tijdschrift over Noord-Afrika, Midden-Oosten en Islam.